This project focuses on analyzing heart failure data to predict patient outcomes using various machine learning models. The goal is to build predictive models that can help in early diagnosis and treatment planning, thereby improving patient care and outcomes.
What We Did
Data Preprocessing:
Data Cleaning: We cleaned the dataset by handling missing values, converting relevant columns to appropriate data types, and scaling features to ensure they are on a comparable scale. This included imputing missing values with median values and standardizing numerical features.
Feature Engineering: Categorical variables were encoded using techniques like label encoding and one-hot encoding to make them suitable for machine learning models.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
Feature Importance: We explored the dataset using summary statistics and visualizations. We also used correlation heatmaps to identify relationships between variables and determine which features are most predictive of heart failure.
Model Building:
Data Splitting: The dataset was split into training and testing sets to evaluate the performance of the models.
Model Training: Multiple machine learning models including Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and XGBoost were trained on the training set. Cross-validation was used to ensure robust model performance.
Hyperparameter Tuning: For models like XGBoost, we performed hyperparameter tuning using GridSearchCV to optimize model performance.
Model Evaluation:
Classification Report: The models were evaluated using metrics such as precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy to understand their performance in predicting heart failure.
Confusion Matrix and ROC Curve: Confusion matrices and ROC curves were plotted to visualize model performance and the trade-offs between true positive and false positive rates.
Why We Did It
The primary objective was to identify the key factors contributing to heart failure and build accurate predictive models. By understanding these factors, healthcare providers can develop targeted strategies for early intervention and treatment. Predictive models enable healthcare providers to identify high-risk patients early and take proactive measures to improve patient outcomes, thereby reducing mortality rates and healthcare costs.
Feature Importance: Analysis revealed that features like age, serum creatinine, and ejection fraction are significant predictors of heart failure.
Model Performance:
Random Forest and XGBoost: These models showed high accuracy and performed well in predicting heart failure, with XGBoost slightly outperforming others after hyperparameter tuning.
Evaluation Metrics: The models were evaluated using precision, recall, and F1-score, with XGBoost achieving the best balance between these metrics.
Visualizations: Confusion matrices and ROC curves provided insights into the models' performance, confirming their effectiveness in distinguishing between patients with and without heart failure.
What's Next
Further Model Optimization: Explore additional feature engineering techniques and advanced algorithms to further improve model accuracy and performance.
Model Deployment: Implement the best-performing model in a clinical setting to monitor and predict heart failure outcomes continuously.
Integration with Healthcare Strategies: Use the insights from the model to inform treatment strategies, such as personalized treatment plans and early intervention programs.
Continuous Improvement: Regularly update the model with new patient data to maintain its accuracy and adapt to changing patient demographics and health patterns.
Patient Feedback: Collect feedback from patients who were identified as high-risk and engaged through treatment strategies to refine the model and treatment approaches further.